HE Ambassador Xiao Qian Visited The ITB Railway Engineering and Design Center

BANDUNG, (DN),- The Ambassador of People’s Republic of China to Indonesia, H.E. Xiao Qian visited the Center for Development of Railway Industrial Technology (PPTI-KA) on December 7, 2018, to see the progress of railway engineering and design collaboration between Indonesian and Chinese researchers. The courtesy visit was accompanied by the Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi and the Dean for the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB, Prof. Hari Muhammad. The PPTI-KA was part of the research activity within the National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT). This Ambassador visit aims to directly witness the activities of ITB researchers on designing the railway car body, bogie dynamics, and railway crashworthiness. The visit also aims to strengthen the collaboration between Indonesia and China on railway technology, which has been initiated by ITB and Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) with the research on High-speed Railway Network and Communication, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, China.
Prior to his visit to NCSTT, Qian gave the lecture in East Hall, ITB. He depicted the contribution of China to global development, such as the contribution to global economic development by 30%, mainly from the tourism sector. There are approximately 120 million tourists per year which leads to the upsurge of trading volume by 14.5% per year. The vast development of China was due largely in part of education as the most important foundation. He mentioned that the quality of education, specifically higher education has been one of the strategies to face 4.0 Industrial Era.
As the closing remark for the lecture, Qian also stated the three most important points of collaboration with ITB. First is to promote the collaboration between China and Higher Education Institution in Indonesia, which is ITB. Second is to collaborate deeply on science, technology, and innovation, which is currently going on the development of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed rail. The third is to collaborate on the research funding and scholarship. “We open the opportunity for Indonesian student, especially ITB, to pursue the education in China” Said Qian.***

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Xiao Qian Indonesia-China Collaboration