Fakhrina Fahma S.TP., M.T.

Universitas Diponegoro

Email fakhrinafahma [at] staff.uns.ac.id
Expertise Standardization and Engineering quality


    Research Interest

    Industrial Engineering Standardization


    • Sayyida G.,Fahma F.,Iftadi I., "Process Improvement in Outpatient Installation RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Using Lean Hospital Approach", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 319, 2018
    • Fahma F.,Zakaria R.,Gumilang R.F., "Framework for Designing the Assessment Models of Readiness SMEs to Adopt Indonesian National Standard (SNI), Case Study: SMEs Batik in Surakarta", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 319, 2018
    • Suhardi B.,Khairina A.,Fahma F., "Designing size of batik shirt for male college student in Surakarta using anthropometric data (Case study: Male college student of industrial engineering major in Surakarta)", 2016 2nd International Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering, ICIMECE 2016, 192-195, 2017
    • Triyono H.,Priadythama I.,Fahma F., "Conceptual design for dough processing integrated machine to obtain uniformity of karak size in traditional karak industries", Proceedings - Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering, ICEVT 2015 and IMECE 2015, 229-232, 2016
    • Fahma F.,Iftadi I.,Putri N.A., "Customer requirement analysis of driver's seat design using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) case study: City car", Proceedings - Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering, ICEVT 2015 and IMECE 2015, 173-177, 2016
    • Rochmawati Y.,Fahma F., "Defects analysis of Boeing 737-800 cabin using six sigma method at PT. XYZ", Proceedings - Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering, ICEVT 2015 and IMECE 2015, 348-352, 2016