Dr. Eko Surojo, S.T., M.T.

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Email esurojo [at] ft.uns.ac.id
Expertise Material Engineering, Brake



    • Surojo E.,Surojo E.,Malau V.,Ilman M.N., "Characteristic evaluation of brake block material", Tribology in Industry, Vol. 39, 527-535, 2017
    • Surojo E.,Surojo E.,Malau V.,Ilman M.N., "Investigation of friction behaviors of brake shoe materials using metallic filler", Tribology in Industry, Vol. 37, 473-481, 2015
    • Surojo E.,Surojo E.,Malau V.,Ilman M.N., "Effects of phenolic resin and fly ash on coefficient of friction of brake shoe composite", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, 2234-2240, 2014
    • Fitrina S.,Kristiawan B.,Surojo E.,Wijayanta A.T.,Miyazaki T.,Koyama S., "Influence of minimum quantity lubrication with Al2O3 nanoparticles on cutting parameters in drilling process", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1931, 2018
    • Pamungkas A.F.,Ariawan D.,Surojo E.,Triyono J., "Influence of fiber length on flexural and impact properties of Zalacca Midrib fiber/HDPE by compression molding", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1931, 2018
    • Koin S.T.,Triyono T.,Surojo E., "The influence of flame hardening process to aluminum 7075 series on the mechanical strength and micro structure", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1931, 2018
    • Rusdja A.P.,Surojo E.,Muhayat N.,Raharjo W.W., "Effect of gas release in hot molding on flexural strength of composite friction brake", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1931, 2018
    • Darsono F.B.,Triyono T.,Surojo E., "The effect of case hardening treatment on aluminum 7075 toward its hardness and tensile strength", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1931, 2018
    • Akbar H.I.,Surojo E.,Ariawan D., "Effect of quenching agent on dimension stability of Al 6061-Al2O3 composite", MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 159, 2018
    • Budiono H.S.,Surojo E.,Muhayat N.,Raharjo W.W., "Effect of post curing method on flexural strength of composite friction brake", MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 159, 2018
    • Maulana I.T.,Rusdja A.P.,Surojo E.,Muhayat N.,Raharjo W.W., "Effect of the Cantala fiber on flexural strength of composite friction brake", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1977, 2018