Dr. Eng. Steeva Gaily Rondonuwu ST. M.Agr.

Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Email steeva_rondonuwu [at] unsrat.ac.id
Expertise Geotechnical Analysis



    • Rondonuwu S.G.,Chai J.-C.,Cai Y.-Q.,Wang J., "Prediction of the stress state and deformation of soil deposit under vacuum pressure", Transportation Geotechnics, Vol. 6, 75-83, 2016
    • Chai J.,Rondonuwu S.G., "Surcharge loading rate for minimizing lateral displacement of PVD improved deposit with vacuum pressure", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 43, 558-566, 2015
    • Rondonuwu S.G.,Chai J.,Saito A., "Minimizing lateral displacement of clayey deposit under combined vacuum and surcharge loads", Geotechnical Special Publication, 525-535, 2014