
Sustainable transportation system is defined as a system that is accessible, safe, comforable, environmentally friendly, and affordable. Indonesian transportation system is currently characterized by several problems that must be resolved immediately: 1) high level of traffic congestion, 2) dependent on non-renewable energy sources, 3) high levels of pollution. These three conditions are the signs of the unsustainable transportation system. Therefore, the National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT) was established to provide an integrated transport solutions in Indonesia.

The transport systems based on the electric vehicles, railway mass transport, and aircraft are the three main system that could be developed to establish an integrated and sustainable transport system.

The transport industry in Indonesia is very strategic in Indonesian economy since it is the backbone of the economic development. The automotive, railway, and aircraft industries has an economic multiplier effect of 11, meaning that for every engineer in the OEM will create 11 other engineers at suppliers Tier 1-4.

Market for the transportation industry in Indonesia, such as automotive industries, is growing very rapidly. Unfortanetely, the local automotive industry has not been instrumental in engineering and design activities. Currently, the automotive suppliers in Indonesia are only involved at the end of the assembly process, and therefore the ecomic multiplier effect is only 1. The role of the domestic auto industry is so far only as supporting role and spectators in the national transportation industry