Ramezani M.K.,Purbolaksono J.,Andriyana A.,Ramesh S.,Putra I.S., "Empirical solutions for stress intensity factors of a surface crack in a solid cylinder under pure torsion", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 193, 122-136, 2018
Dirgantara T.,Jusuf A.,Kurniati E.O.,Gunawan L.,Putra I.S., "Crashworthiness analysis of foam–filled square column considering strain rate effect of the foam", Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 129, 365-380, 2018
Chandra D.,Putra I.S.,Ariffin A.K.,Mardi N.A.,Nukman Y.,Purbolaksono J., "Fatigue Growth Analysis of a Surface Crack in a Solid Cylinder under Combined Cyclic Axial-Torsion Loading", Experimental Techniques, Vol. 40, 1397-1407, 2016
Imran M.,Eric Lim S.F.,Putra I.S.,Ariffin A.K.,Tan C.J.,Purbolaksono J., "Assessment of a planar inclusion in a solid cylinder", Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 48, 236-246, 2015
Jusuf A.,Dirgantara T.,Gunawan L.,Putra I.S., "Crashworthiness analysis of multi-cell prismatic structures", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 78, 34-50, 2015
Iryani L.,Setiawan H.,Dirgantara T.,Putra I.S., "Development of a railway track displacement monitoring by using digital image correlation technique", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 548-549, 683-687, 2014
Dimas A.,Dirgantara T.,Gunawan L.,Jusuf A.,Putra I.S., "The effects of spot weld pitch to the axial crushing characteristics of top-hat crash box", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 660, 578-582, 2014
Van Trong N.,Gunawan L.,Jusuf A.,Dirgantara T.,Putra I.S., "Stress analysis of the impactor assembly of the dropped weight impact testing machine", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 660, 567-571, 2014
Gunawan L.,Sitompul S.A.,Dirgantara T.,Putra I.S.,Huh H., "Material characterization and axial crushing tests of single and double-walled columns at intermediate strain rates", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, 21-39, 2013
Iryani L.,Dirgantara T.,Mihradi S.,Putra I.S., "The effect of DIC parameters in the measurement of stress intensity factors KI and KII", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 10, 17-33, 2013
Putra I.S.,Nam P.H.,Syamsudin H.,Dirgantara T.,Truong L.X., "Design, manufacturing and testing process of buckling and bending testing machine using systematic method", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 393, 441-446, 2013
Dirgantara T.,Gunawan L.,Putra I.S.,Sitompul S.A.,Jusuf A., "Numerical and experimental impact analysis of square crash box structure with holes", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 393, 447-452, 2013
Jusuf A.,Dirgantara T.,Gunawan L.,Putra I.S., "Numerical and experimental study of single-walled and double-walled columns under dynamic axial loading", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 9, 2012
Dirgantara T.,Wicaksono T.S.,Ahmad T.,Sadikin I.,Suharto D.,Putra I.S., "Probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis of multiple cracks in cylindrical pressure vessel", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 462-463, 1314-1318, 2011
Jusuf A.,Allam F.S.,Dirgantara T.,Gunawan L.,Putra I.S., "Low velocity impact analyses of prismatic columns using finite element method", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 462-463, 1308-1313, 2011
Putra I.S.,Dirgantara T.,Ly H.A.,Homma H.,Kishimoto K., "Behavior of thin-walled square tube and tubular hat sections subjected to low velocity impact loading", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 33-37, 387-394, 2008
Putra I.S.,Dirgantara T.,Mora F.M., "Buckling analysis of shells with a circumferential crack", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 306-308 I, 55-60, 2006
Putra I.S.,Suharto D., "Key Engineering Materials: Preface", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 306-308 II, 2006
Dirgantara T.,Putra I.S.,Sucipto A.A.,Jusuf A., "Buckling analysis of cylindrical shells having a longitudinal crack", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 306-308 I, 49-54, 2006
Dirgantara T.,Aliabadi M.H.,Putra I.S., "Damage tolerance analysis of multiple cracks starting from holes in a plate loaded by bending and tension", Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 261-263, 231-238, 2004
Putra I.S., "Damage Tolerance Analysis Software (DATAS) for crack growth life prediction and residual strength analysis of aircraft structures", Key Engineering Materials, 649-654, 2000
Putra I.S., "Some experiences in using the K-gage to measure stress intensity factors", Structures and Materials, Vol. 6, 83-92, 2000