Ir. Sigit Puji Santosa, MSME, Sc.D

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Email sigit.santosa [at]
Position in Management Director
Expertise Product Development, Transportation Safety

Curriculum Vitae

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    Research Interest

    Vehicle Development Transportation Safety Automotive Engineering


    • Novizayanti D., Prasetio E.A., Siallagan M., Santosa S.P., "Agent-based modeling framework for electric vehicle adoption transition in indonesia", World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol. 12, 2021
    • Santosa S.P.,Mahyuddin A.I.,Sunoto F.G., "Anatomy of injury severity and fatality in Indonesian traffic accidents", Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 49, 412-422, 2017
    • Le Hoai Tam, Sigit P. Santosa, Leonardo Gunawan, Annisa Jusuf. The Influence of Sheet Metal Forming on The Axial Crushing Analysis of Top–Hat Columns. MESIN, Vol 25, No 1, pp. 41 – 53, 2016.
    • Nam Pham, Djarot Wodagdo, SP. Santosa, Ichsan Setyaputra, "Petalling damage analysis of metallic palte structures under localized impact loading - A Review". ASEAN Engineering Journal, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 47-56, 2015.
    • Chanh Nghia, T. Dirgrantara, SP Santosa, A. Jusuf, IS Putra, "Impact behavior of square crash box structures having holes at corners", Applied Mechanics and Materials No. 660, pp. 613-617, 2014
    • Afdhal, L. Gunawan, SP. Santosa, IS. Putra, H. Huh, "Measurement of mechanical properties of ST37 material at high strain rates using a split hopkinson pressure bar", Applied Mechanics and Material, No. 660, pp. 562-566, 2014
    • Chen W.,Wierzbicki T.,Santosa S., "Bending collapse of thin-walled beams with ultralight filler: Numerical simulation and weight optimization", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 153, 183-206, 2002
    • Santosa S.,Banhart J.,Wierzbicki T., "Experimental and numerical analyses of bending of foam-filled sections", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 148, 199-213, 2001
    • Santosa S.,Banhart J.,Wierzbicki T., "Bending crush resistance of partially foam-filled sections", Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 2, 223-227, 2000
    • Santosa S.P.,Wierzbicki T.,Hanssen A.G.,Langseth M., "Experimental and numerical studies of foam-filled sections", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 24, 509-534, 2000
    • Santosa S.,Wierzbicki T., "The concept of double-walled sandwich columns for energy absorption", International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 4, 175-198, 1999
    • Santosa S.,Wierzbicki T., "Effect of an ultralight metal filler on the bending collapse behavior of thin-walled prismatic columns", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 41, 995-1019, 1999
    • Santosa S.,Wierzbicki T., "On the modeling of crush behavior of a closed-cell aluminum foam structure", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 46, 645-669, 1998
    • Santosa S.,Wierzbicki T., "Crash behavior of box columns filled with aluminum honeycomb or foam", Computers and Structures, Vol. 68, 343-367, 1998
    • Santosa S.,Wierzbicki T., "Effect of an ultralight metal filler on the torsional crushing behaviour of thin-walled prismatic columns", International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 2, 305-332, 1997